Wednesday, October 12, 2011


An organization is not a random group of people who come together by chance. They consciously and formally establish it to accomplish certain goals that its members would be unable to reach individually. A manager's job is to achieve high performance relative to the organization's objectives. For example, a business organization has objectives to (1) make a profit (2) furnish its customers with goods and services; (3) provide an income for its employees; and (4) increase the level of satisfaction for everyone involved.
An organization is a social entity, which is goal orients and deliberately structured. Organizations are not functioning in isolated but are linked to external dynamic environment. Virtually all organization combines (1) Raw material, (2) Capital and (3) labor & knowledge to produce Goods and Services.

Types of organization

a) Formal: The part of the organization that has legitimacy and official recognition.
b) Informal: The unofficial part of the organization.

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