Thursday, October 6, 2011


Manager is the member of the organization who participates in the management process by planning, organizing, leading, or controlling the organization's resources.

Types of Mangers

There are three types of mangers…

1. Strategic Manager: Strategic managers are the senior executives of an organization and are
responsible for its overall management. Major activities include developing the company's goals and
plans. Typically strategic managers focus on long-term issues and emphasize the survival, growth, and
overall effectiveness of the organization.

2. Tactical Managers: Tactical managers are responsible for translating the general goals and plans
developed by strategic managers into objectives that are more specific and activities. These decisions,
or tactics, involve both a shorter time horizon and the coordination of resources. Tactical managers are
often called middle managers, because in large organizations they are located between the strategic
and operational managers. Today's best middle managers have been called "working leaders." They focus on relationships with other people and on achieving results. They are hands-on, working
managers. They do not just make decisions, give orders, wait for others to produce, and then evaluate
results. They get dirty, do hard work themselves, solve problems, and produce value.

3. Operational Managers: Operational managers are lower-level managers who supervise the
operations of the organization. These managers often have titles such as supervisor or sales manager.
They are directly involved with non-management employees, implementing the specific plans
developed with tactical managers. This role is critical in the organization, because operational
managers are the link between management and non-management personnel. Your first management
position probably will fit into this category.

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